Mighty Mile

Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 7:00pm

2300 Plymouth Ave. SE

The Mighty Mile is for kids only ages 5 to 14 years old.

Calling all Elementary and Middle School students: Finish up your school year with a challenging and fun mile and get your Summer off to an active healthy start!

All runners will receive a T-shirt, Backpack, and a chipped timed accurate mile. Once the runner crosses the finish line they will receive a Mighty Mile Finisher Medal.

FREE! There is no entry fee to run the Mighty Mile. It is a free race for any child ages 5 to 14 years old.

Event Schedule:

Race 1:  7:00pm  |  5 - 7      year olds 

Race 2:  7:20pm  |  8 – 9     year olds 

Race 3:  7:40pm  |  10 - 11  year olds 

Race 3:  7:55pm  |  12 - 14  year olds

AWARDS: There are no awards for the race. The purpose of the program is for the runner to challenge themselves to run their best race and start a healthy lifestyle. All of the runners will receive a Mighty Mile medal when they cross the finish line!

Click Here For registration:

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