Bulls Bay Nature Festival

Saturday, May 18, 2024 at 7:30am

Various Venues in Awendaw

The festival is a day full of fun for everyone!

Activities Include:
Photography workshop at the Sewee Center
Edible and native plant walks
Bird and Wildflower walks
Historic tours at Hampton Plantation and Sewee Shell Ring
Gullah Geechee Stories and Songs
Red wolf, Reptile, raptor, and beekeeping programs
Sweet grass basketry workshop
Fishing in Sewee Pond

Workshops & Events for the kids
Fishing, insect discovery and identification. Fresh water pond explorations.
Sea Turtle Program. Turtle hats. Face Painting. Boat simulator. Inflatable BB gun range.
Archery. Build a Bird Feeder. Nature Crafts

Wildlife Art Contest and Exposition
Students from St. James Santee Elementary and Middle School as well as Cape Romain Environmental Education Charter School (CREECS) will showcase their creativity and talents in a wildlife art exposition and competition. Note cards created from the winners of the 2019 Art Contest will be available for purchase at the festival and in the Bulls Bay community. All contributions from the sale of note cards purchase art supplies for the schools.

The day will be filled with musical entertainment for your enjoyment. Artists will include: Danielle Howle, Greg Smith, Lowcountry Gospel Singers, Hank and Friends, Black River Band and the Awendaw Community Singers.

Schedule of Events

Bee Hive Demonstration 10-11/1-2 pm
Leader: Jim Strohm, Journeyman Beekeeper, Charleston Community Bee Gardens
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Bird Banding & Identification 8-10 am
Leader: Aaron Given, Wildlife Biologist, Kiawah Island
Location: Garris Landing, Cape Romain NWR

Birds of Prey Flying Demonstration 3-4 pm
Leaders: The Center for Birds of Prey Staff
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Bulls Island Explorations 7:30-1:30 pm
Pre-Registration Required Max: 15
Call 843.881.4582 Ages 18+
Leaders: Wil Christenson, Marine Biologist and Naturalist
David McLean, Biologist and bird surveyor, Cape Romain NWR
Location: Bulls Island. Arrive at Garris Landing at 7:00 am

Butterfly & Dragonfly/Insect Walk 10:30-1:30 pm
Leader: Billy McCord, Biologist, SC Department of Natural Resources
Location: Francis Marion NF. Check in at Sewee Center Registration by 10:15

Edible Plant Walk 9-11 am
Leader: Vaughan Spearman, Stewardship Forester, SC Forestry Commission
Location: South Tibwin Trail, Francis Marion NF

Family Fishing at Sewee Pond 9-3 pm
Leader: Self-led activity
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Fly Fishing with Project Healing Waters 10-2 pm
Leaders: Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing Veterans
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Hunnah! Gullah Storytelling 12 pm
Leader: Beatrice Rodriques, Gullah Museum, Georgetown
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Hampton Plantation State Historic Site Tours 12/2 pm
Leader: Hampton Plantation Ranger
Location: Hampton Plantation State Historic Site. Arrive 30 min early.

First come first serve. Pick up Festival ID wrist band at Sewee Center
Indigo Dyeing 1-3 pm
Leader: Hampton Plantation Interpreter
Location: Hampton Plantation State Historic Site. Arrive 30 min early.

First come first serve. Pick up Festival ID wrist band at Sewee Center
Ion Trail Nature Hike 9:30-11:30 am
Leader: Gabe Shuler, Naturalist, Cypress Gardens
Location: Ion Swamp Trail, Francis Marion NF

Keynote: Sea Turtles and Salt Marshes - Conserving the Loggerhead Sea Turtle 4:00 pm
Speaker: Sally Murphy, Biologist, Co-Leader U.S. Sea Turtle Recovery
Team 1979-1989
Location: Sewee Visitor Center, Auditorium

Longleaf Pine Naval Stores Production10 – 2:45 pm
Tar Production: 10-11/12:30-1:30 pm
Turpentine Production: 11:15-12:15/1:45-2:45 pm
Pitch Production: Ongoing
Leaders: Interpreters, Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson State Historic Site
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Mama Hattie's Memories 11:30-12 pm
Leader: Rose Atterberry, Gullah Geechee Historian
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Native Plant Landscaping and Walk at Sewee 10-11 am
Leader: John Brubaker, Naturalist, Founder of Lowcountry Chapter of SC
Native Plant Society
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Nature Photography Workshop 10-12 pm
Leader: Walter Shockley, Professional Nature Photographer
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Red Wolf Program 10-11/11:30-12:30/1-2 pm
Leader: Rob Johnson, Red Wolf Caretaker, Sewee Visitor Center
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Reptile and Amphibian Demonstration 10-3 pm
Leader: Ben Morrison, Biologist, The Amphibian and Reptile
Conservancy; Local Reptile Experts
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Sewee Shell Ring Walk 9:30-11:30 am
First come first serve Max: 20
Leader: Christina Stewart, Archeologist, Francis Marion NF
Location: Sewee Shell Ring Trail, Francis Marion NF

Sweet Grass Basketry Workshop 10-11:30 am
Pre-Registration Required Max: 12
Call 843.928.3368
Leader: Vera Maniqault, Gullah Basketry Artisan
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Tibwin Bird Walk 8:30-12 pm
Max: 20
Leader: Matthew Marbert, Interdisciplinary Forest Technician, Francis Marion NF
Location: South Tibwin Trail, Francis Marion NF

Wambaw Creek Kayak & Canoe Paddle 9-12/12-3 pm
Pre-Registration Required Max – 10 per trip
Call 843.697.2075
Leader: Nature Adventures Outfitters Staff
Location: Wambaw Creek, still boat landing, Francis Marion NF

Wildflower Walk at Carolina Bay 10-1 pm
Leaders: Richard Porcher, PhD, Emeritus Professor, The Citadel
Joel Gramling, PhD, Professor of Plant Ecology & Curator of The Citadel Herbarium
Location: Francis Marion NF

Youth Archery 10-11/11-12/1-2/2-3 pm
Leader: Certified Archery Instructors, Bowhunters of SC
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Boating - DNR Boat Simulator Trailer 10-3 pm
Leader: SCDNR staff
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Build a Bird Feeder to Take Home 10-2 pm
Leaders: Friends of Coastal South Carolina
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Community Fireman 9-3 pm
Leaders: Awendaw McClellanville Fire Department
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Face Painting 10-3 pm
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Fishing Workshop 9-10/11-12 pm
Leaders: Sampit Bassmasters of Georgetown
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Forest Management for Wildlife 10-11 am
Leader: Jestin Clark, Biologist, Francis Marion NF
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth "JAKES Take Aim" 10-3 pm
NWTF Inflatable BB Gun Range
Leader: Lowcountry Longbeards Committee members, National Wild Turkey Federation
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Nature Art – Crafting with Shells 9-3 pm
Leaders: McClellanville Arts Council
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Pollinator Patrol 11-12 pm
Leader: Dwight Williams, Entomologist, Bottletree Nursery
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Pond Ecology-Life in the Pond 12-1 pm
Leader: Maya Stojkovich, Educator, Friends of Coastal SC, David Eslinger,
PhD, Oceanographer, NOAA
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

Youth Turtles N Tots 10-10:30 am
Leader: Maya Stojkovich, Educator, Friends of Coastal SC
Location: Sewee Visitor Center

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